Saturday, September 15, 2007

My Children

(God and Secretary)

God: Whose children are they in "christian" schools?
Secretary: Mostly of businessmen, officers, .......
God: Is it practicality or profitablity?

Whose childern are they in the factories, dabas, field.....
'of the poor and underprivileged'
'is it personal or structural problem?'

'Whose children are they as maidservants?'
'of the poor from different regions'
'Is it cheap labour or favour?'

'Whose Children are they in Nithari (Noida) Serial Killing'
'of the socio-economic backward classes'
'Are they easy prey and less human?'

'Whose children are they in platforms, roadsides, subways......'
'they are 'street children''
'Sorry, they are MY CHILDREN'


1 comment:

Ajaa said...

great john...thats very good. u write very well...we always knew that. keep on the good work.